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Five Ways You Can Start Ministering Today

Bishop Newton T. Ssenyange of the Kabowa Ward Shares 5 ways members of the Church can begin Ministering to each other today.


First, Pray to Know Who Needs Your Help

We interact with people every day. Family, friends, co-workers, ward members. God knows who is in our lives  and why. Begin each day by praying to know who needs your help. Opportunities are likely already in your path. By praying to know who you can serve, God will open your eyes to those who need you specifically.

Second, Pray to Know What That Person Needs

Once you know who needs your help, pray to know what they need. Sometimes, ministering to others is hard because we don’t know what to do. Luckily, God knows the deepest needs and desires of our hearts. We can receive inspiration on things to do and say. Our service will become more sincere and we will grow to trust God’s promptings.

Third, Reach Out to Someone on Social Media

Ministering is about genuinely becoming a part of someone’s life. Social media is an easy way to reach out to someone, especially someone who is far away. Go through your friend’s list and send a message to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Start a conversation about their life.

Fourth, Study How the Savior Served

Jesus Christ not only loved everyone, but he served everyone. Learn more about his perfect example. Read through the scriptures and study what Christ did for others and how he did it. Create a few goals based on what you read.

Fifth, Practice Asking Active Listening

Listening is an important skill that allows us to connect more deeply with the people around us. Active listening requires that we truly listen to others, ask questions about what they said, and avoid dominating the conversation with our own opinions and comments. Try active listening in your everyday conversations. We will be surprised at how much more willing others will be to share about what they are going through in their life.

The Orem Utah Hillcrest Stake of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is comprised of six English-speaking wards (congregations), one Spanish-speaking ward, two single adult wards, and a care center branch.

Church is a refuge from the chaos of everyday life. Attending services and activities gives us time to worship God and associate with others who are trying to be better and live more like Jesus did.

No matter where you are in life, you belong and are needed in His Church. Won’t you please join us?


Stake Presidency

President Lewis, Stake President

Brother Lillywhite, First Counselor

Brother Hawkins, Second Counselor

Brother Bean, Stake Executive Secretary

Brother Duckworth, Stake Clerk

This is not an official Church-sponsored product.


Stake Center

1450 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

1st Ward

1450 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

Corey Real, Bishop

Sunday services start at 10:30 am

2nd Ward

1450 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

Timothy Keller, Bishop

Sunday services start at 12:00 pm

3rd Ward

1450 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

Russ Bird, Bishop

Sunday services start at 9:00 am

4th Ward

800 S 440 E, Orem, UT 84097

Michael Lamb, Bishop

Sunday services start at 9:00 am

6th Ward

1035 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

Darrin Overson, Bishop

Sunday services start at 9:00 am

8th Ward

1035 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

John Karren, Bishop

Sunday services begin at 12:00 pm

Barrio Hillcrest 9

800 S 440 E, Orem, UT 84097

Renaldo Salazar Peñaranda, Obispo

Los servicios dominicales comienzan a las 10:30 am

Orem YSA 16th Ward

710 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

Phil Plothow, Bishop

Sunday services begin at 12:00 pm

Orem YSA 27th Joyful Ward

710 S 800 E, Orem, UT 84097

Carr Krueger, Bishop

Sunday services begin at 9:00 am

Orem Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing

575 E 1400 S, Orem, UT 84097

Kent Hinkson, Branch President

Sunday services begin at 2:30 pm

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