Gathering Israel: Updates from Our Missionaries
Enjoy the latest from our Orem Hillcrest Stake full-time missionaries serving around the world. Fresh updates appear as we hear from them.
Sister Samantha Becerra, Korea Busan
Jan 12, 2025
Hello everyone! 잘지내고있습니까? Yall doing okay? What a crazy week! Bye-bye 중리 와드, I am so, so sad! I am so grateful to have served in that ward! Even if it's small, it was nice being there! Bye-bye teaching friends! Okay so this was really hard for me this week because one of our teaching friends is literally one of my best friends! It was so hard saying goodbye to our lovely friend 박동하! He is so sweet and so awesome! I love our friend and he is my friend forever! Bye-bye to my amazing daughter, Sister Simms. SHOUTOUT TO SISTER SIMMS, I miss her and I am so glad I am able to serve with her and also for her to now be out of training. I'm so proud of the missionary and the person she is becoming. She has taught me so much this transfer! Literally it has been so fun! Anyways, she is killing it in 수성, one of my old areas when I was out of training, so yeah! HELLO 첨단 AGAIN??? GUYS, PRESIDENT LOVES ME. If you guys don't remember, before I went home for a time, I was transferred to gwangju called Cheomdan. I served for a week and then I went back to America. I was hoping to serve again here because it is a really nice area and there is so many members. Now I have the opportunity to come back and serve again! I'm legit so happy! It's so fun! And there is SNOW!! I MISSED THE SNOW ☃️❄️! Anyways, it's been so great so far this new transfer. Some of the members actually remember me and some other friends remember me. It's a lot harder to find outside cause of the weather, but still 열심히 찾기 했다! Your favorite girl from Korea ONLY HAS 3 TRANSFERS LEFT OF THE MISSION! CRAZYYY! I've learned so much and I can't wait to see what Heavenly Father has in store for me for these last transfers of my mish.....😭 I love the mission. It has been a huge blessing! I wanted to share this quote: "When you feel weak, Jesus Christ is your strength. He gives power to the weary; and to those who feel powerless, He increases strength." Dieter F. Uchtdorf ♡ I love this quote, it just reminds me how much Jesus Christ does love us. Whenever you feel down or just feel weak, just trust in Him and He can lift us higher and stronger. I love my Savior and He is my strength and my song. When I think of Him always be my side on the streets doing the work, it always gives me strength. Anyways that is it. Love you all so much until next week😄 사랑합니다! Your favorite girl from Korea, Sister Becerra 🇰🇷
Elder Christian Buss, México Oaxaca
Jul 1, 2024
We had a baptism this week. It was really cool to see our friend be baptized and confirmed. To finish the baptismal service, we had our friend give the closing prayer. In his prayer he said something along the lines of, "Heavenly Father, please help endure to the end, help me become who I need to become." It made me think of the importance of focusing on our next ordinance, because it is what the leaders of the Church have always taught and it is what they are teaching today. "The one thing that would make for the safety of every man and woman would be to appear at the sacrament table every Sabbath day. We would not get very far away in one week—not so far away that, by the process of self-investigation, we could not rectify the wrongs we may have done. … The road to the sacrament table is the path of safety for Latter-day Saints." Elder Melvin J. Ballard "Imagine friends and young children more eager to prepare for and participate in the sacrament on Sunday than they were to be baptized. Surely such individuals would stand on strong spiritual foundations and be blessed with a firmness of heart, mind, might and strength.” Elder Bednar D&C 84:20 Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest. Elder Buss
Sister Victoria Daughetee, Maryland Baltimore
Jan 13, 2025 This week in bullet points: 🎀 Did service for Sister Permansu. We vacuumed her attic. It was fun but the bugs were 🤢. 🎀 Went knocking in Green Castle and met some pretty cool people. 🎀 Did service at the library and it was 6 of us missionaries and it was a fun time for sure. 🎀 Had an awesome lesson with Amillio! He is 10 and his mom is NOT religious, but she lets her kids decide what they want to believe and he really, really wants to learn and come to church! He is presh and is so excited to make friends at church! 🎀 Had a great lesson with Willie. He's been taught 3 times before and knows so much of the gospel and doctrine. It was a great lesson talking about how there is only one true church with God's actual power and authority (Ephesians 4:5). One Lord. One Faith. One Baptism. 🎀 The Relief Society held a nail night and Sister England 🇬🇧 and I painted everyone's nails. It was actually so, so fun. I did French tip on someone and they turned out so good. Much better then I thought. I put it on the Google photos! 🎀 Had an amazing lesson with Erin! She is 17 and she has gotten so comfortable with us which is so, so awesome! She is just the sweetest thing. Good things coming for sure! 🎀 Went down an ice slide some members made!! 😃😃 🎀 Saturday was lesson after lesson after lesson which was actually so fun. 😅 🎀 Had a great lesson with Reginald and his family! The members were able to find a quad for them to use since we are studying D&C this year! They were so excited! I'm so excited for them to be baptized! 🎀 Had dinner with the Coy family and they each prepared a message to share with us which was so cute!! (Because as missionaries we always leave with a spiritual message! ) This week was SO awesome and I truly am so grateful to be a part of the LORD'S WORK!! The most important work on earth! Transfers are this week! I'm staying though and Sister England is going to a new area. Gonna miss her bunches, but we're both read to grow some more!! Sister Daughetee 659 Cumberland Ave Apt C Chambersburg, PA
Sister Sharon Dunn, Canada Toronto
Jan 8, 2025
Hey! You all will never believe, but I have made it to my last transfer 🥲 - Transfer news..... IM STAYING!! Yall, I could not be more happy. 🎉🎊🥳 The only thing is I'm getting a new comp which I'm super sad that my comp is leaving me, but my new comp is amazing as well!! 🪂 - Adamson was baptized! God has been blessing Kitchener with prepared friends 💒🙏 WE ARE SO BLESSED! - My last 6 weeks begins on Monday. I am at a loss of words for how I feel at the moment. It's definitely a bitter sweet feeling. I LOVE MY MISSION! I was reading a note my mom sent me for Christmas and she said, "I pray that you will really come to know Jesus over these next few months." Wise words from my mom once again. Over this transfer, I will spend every second coming to know Christ! I can't wait!!!! Jesus loves you 🫵 Sister Dunn
Elder Enoch Ellis, Wisconsin Milwaukee
Dec 23, 2024
Merry Christmas everyone. My life has never before this time, has been so focused on Jesus Christ. I've noticed a trend that I know is connected. I have never had more hope. I've never had more joy. Do you want more hope? More joy? I promise that as you focus on the Savior, the source of all hope and all joy. You will see a parallel increase. Much love. Elder Ellis
Elder Carter Flory, Cote d’Ivoire Abidjan North
May 27, 2024
Hello Family and Friends. Here is a summary of our family updates from video chats with Elder Flory through 27 May 2024: — His companion gave him a haircut this week. His hair is growing back on the side where he self cut it without a guard. — He had an interview with his mission president and wife. — He went to visit this young girl who is often ill and sad. Carter gave her a priesthood blessing in French. The next day she was happy and healthy! — They are planning a mega-baptism in their zone (15 areas) where around 40 people are being baptized the same day by the missionaries. Carter has been doing a lot of the paperwork to help get them ready. In one case, there is a couple who wants to get baptized, but thinks it should be a huge celebration so they wanted to wait; Carter spoke by following the Spirit and his personal feelings and experience with baptism at the Ghana temple. Seeing people with such strong desire and reading the Book of Mormon has strengthened his testimony and choice for his mission. — Transfers are coming next week and he anticipates that he will still be there. He really likes the people, the ward, and the area. He thinks he will be chosen to go to a new zone. — He continues to take medicine and is getting better from the recent typhoid illness. — Since he has been there, he has tried all types of new foods. As a result, he has gained some weight. He tried a pork meal that his companion cooked for dinner. — He wakes up around 6 am each day and works out for exercise in the mornings 3 times per week. — It rained a lot where Carter is staying. It flooded a lot and there are a lot of these pools/swamps of water. — Next to the ward building there is a small patch of grass. It reminded him of Minecraft grass and how things can be built. He saw a little boy wearing a Minecraft shirt in his area. — He has not been relocated yet, he finds out in 2 more days what the decision is. — His English is starting to have an accent now since he speaks mostly French. He finds that sometimes he forgets the English words. — It is Mango + Papaya season and Carter bought a lot of them. — This week they found a rat outside of their door in the patio area and they had to kill it. — He learned how to make No Bake Peanut Butter cookies (NBPB Cookies) Elder Carter Dell Flory Cote d'Ivoire Abidjan North Mission Riviera Attoban L43 Derrière Église St. Bernard Cocody, Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
Elder Hermann Lang, Manchester New Hampshire
Dec 30, 2024
Bonjour! Transfers coming up not sure if I'm moving to another area or staying... I'll know tomorrow, but I do know for sure (they told us today) that I will be training! Gonna have a son 🥹... turnaround training!! Super exciting, I'm super happy I get to do that. It'll be an amazing experience and a next step in my missionary adventures! Anyways work has been good. Got our friend John ready to get baptized this coming Sunday so hopefully that goes as planned. Some prayers from yall would help. Been teaching a Guatemalan couple which is lit since being from the same place, It naturally gives me a special place in my heart. So super excited I've gotten to work with them.... and it gives me a break from the regular French or English, too haha. Got a friend Julia who we recently found thru a nice miracle and she's already progressing so well... got a couple things to set straight with her, but totally possible to baptize her sometime soon she's a very bright soul. Anyways. something I have learned in my time as a missionary so far is to develop spiritual discipline... something I invite all of you to do. This applies to worldly things as well and can be key to success, but I want to focus on the spiritual side of things. Develop that discipline to read your scriptures everyday, to pray everyday, to be service-minded everyday, and Christlike everyday. Develop that discipline to be a disciple of Christ—valiant in your faith. Develop discipline to follow Christ's example and the things he has asked of us everyday Why? Because if you develop this discipline, you will be able to continue strong and continue to do them no matter what. We are taught to learn to love this gospel and to follow all the things with a willingness of heart which is good and something we should definitely strive to do. BUT, it can get hard, REAL hard to do that. So hard that we can lose those things, that love and willingness for it, even if just temporarily and that, in effect, takes away any motivation to do any of those things we should be doing....and so then what? You have no motivation to do them and bang, you now are falling away (even if slowly), but still falling away from daily prayer and scriptures and being a disciple of Christ. What ensures that doesn't happen? DISCIPLINE! Develop the discipline to still do those things even when motivation is zero and you will then be able to continue pushing forward. Trust me, as you keep pushing (even if it's just pure discipline and no love or willingness for it anymore), that love and willingness will come back and you will be glad you were disciplined enough to continue even when motivation and stuff was nonexistent. Talking from my experience so far, my motivation tanked for a good bit of time due to stuff that caused motivation to disappear for a time. But thanks to my trainer, who set a good example of being disciplined spiritually, I simply learned to keep going out of pure discipline. My love and willingness for it definitely was not there, but thanks to learning to be spiritually disciplined, I now have that motivation again that I lost for a bit. I'm proud and glad to be able to say that I didn't stop doing what I had to do during my time with no motivation whatsoever. And, I have seen huge blessings from it! Here's the link to my pics if yall wanna check it me I'd love to hear from yall. Always love, Elder Lang
Sister Rachel Lillywhite, Texas Austin Mission
Dec 30, 2024
"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see." —The Polar Express Hello again! I can't believe it's already the end of the year. Time is going by so fast and it's starting to freak me out. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and is enjoying all of the holidays! It got a little chilly here a couple weeks ago, but we're back up in the 80s so that has been nice. We had transfers about 2 weeks ago so all of the departing missionaries could get home in time for the holiday. I was legitimately scared that I was going to get moved the week before Christmas, but by divine intervention I ended up staying in Palm Valley and staying with Hermana Noyce! I'm so grateful! It's crazy that by the end of my mission I will have gotten to spend 6 months in both Blanco Vista and Palm Valley! I love this area and all of the people so much. The holidays are kind of an interesting time to be a missionary. It's nice because everyone is in a pretty good mood so they're more open to hearing about Jesus, but everyone also is super busy or out of town which makes it really hard to actually find anyone who had time to meet with us. This means that we've spent a lot of time doing service this month which has actually been so fun. The branch had their Christmas party a few weeks ago. It's crazy how many people will show up to the church for free food and a party but not actually to go to church haha. Anyway the primary had a little musical number/Nativity presentation and they needed a pianist so Hermana Noyce and I dressed up like shepherds and I played while they sang Away in a Manger! We also had our Christmas church service last Sunday and we spent all of the previous week trying to get people to it. We literally texted over 1,000 people inviting them to come and about 6 did. We were actually so happy though because one of our favorite families came for the first time in awhile and we were so excited. The actual meeting was also really good. The only bad thing is that most of it was singing so I did not have a voice for the following 4 days. One of the highlights of this month was definitely Christmas Zone Conference! We got to hear some amazing trainings from President and Sister Carter about the peace that comes through Jesus Christ as we repent and forgive others. There were also a lot of special musical numbers by the missionaries. One of the Sisters in my apartment actually sang Picture a Christmas and I played the piano for her. We had been practicing for so long and we actually ended up writing a third verse. Our performance went pretty good if you can ignore the part where the air conditioner very subtly blew my sheet music off the piano. It was kind of annoying, but it turned out ok and shout out to Elder Brown for jumping up to grab the music for me so I could keep playing. Anyway it was so much fun to see all of my missionary friends and at the end of the day we got to watch the movie "Escape from Germany". It's about all the missionaries who had to evacuate Germany before the start of WWII. I don't know if it's just because I haven't seen a real movie in over a year, but it was fantastic! It was such a cool story and everyone was laughing pretty hard. I honestly love zone conferences so much! What's crazy is that my first Zone Conference in Texas was last year's Christmas zoco which means I've officially made it a whole year in Texas! It's been amazing! It was so much fun getting ready for Christmas. Last weekend we wanted to do something fun with the other Sisters in our zone so we got permission from President Carter to have a sleepover Sunday night with them all. We made cookies, played games, watched the "Christ Child", and then dragged a bunch of mattresses into the living room. The next day was pday so we got up, made French toast, and then went to go play sand volleyball with our district. It was so much fun. Definitely one of my favorite pdays so far! Christmas was also so much fun! This year we had our District Council on Christmas. My companion and I gave a training where we used the characters in the nativity to talk about how people prepared for Jesus Christ to be born and also how we can prepare ourselves for Him to come again. We finished up by reading the "Living Christ" as a district as a way to remember Jesus as our Savior and not just as a baby. We also ended up doing a Secret Santa gift exchange at DC. I had drawn one of the Spanish elders (Elder Plumb), but he actually also drew me so that was kind of funny. After the district council we all made about 80 cookies to take to a bunch of the members and our friends while reviewing in detail the plot of Les Misérables. I love my district! I think the craziest thing about it being the end of the year is realizing that I spent every single day of 2024 as a missionary for Jesus Christ and that I'm probably never going to be able to do that again. I'm extremely grateful for this past year and for all of the blessings I've seen in my life. I love you all so much and hope you have a Happy New Year! Love, Hermana Lillywhite :)
Sister Eliza Liston, California Roseville
Jan 13, 2025
This week was pretty darn slow, but we had an AMAZING miracle that made it all worth it! We were driving to a lesson and a little bit past our turn there were two guys walking so we drove up to them and asked if they wanted a picture of Jesus! The man said "yes" and asked if he could learn more about him as well! WHATTTTT!? He just moved here from a country where you are not allowed to openly practice Christianity, but he has felt the spirit of those who are Christians and wanted that for his family! We went over for a lesson two days later. We talked about Christ and at the end handed them a Bible and a Book of Mormon! He saw the Book of Mormon and started recounting the restoration to us! He had scanned the QR code on the back of the card we gave him and watched all of our social media videos! He then asked if he and his wife are called Mormons now!!! And kept referring to it as his church! He joined us at church the next day and he loved the "new warm information"! I have been fasting and praying that we can help this family receive the restored gospel, so if you would like to join us, their names are Wilson, Linda, Laurel, and Sara! Funny moment of the week!!! We were walking around this intersection knocking on car windows to give them church invites and a Semi Truck almost hit me HAHAHA. Anything for Jesus! I love my Savior so much and I have been thinking of ways that I can rededicate my life to him. I was listening to a BYU devotional by President Eyring called "Always" and I loved this quote, "Start with remembering Him. You will remember what you know and what you love. The Savior gave us the scriptures, paid by prophets at a price we cannot measure, so that we could know Him. Lose yourself in them. Decide now to read more and more effectively than you have ever done before." This week lose yourself in the scriptures!!! I love you all so much! I hit my year mark this week, soooo insane. But I have loved it so much and I know there is still so much work for me to do! Love, Sister Liston Address: 8583 Watt Ave, Elverta, CA 95626 Photos:
Sister Paige Liston, Texas Houston East
Jan 13, 2025
Hello!! I hope your all having a great week! Broadway has been wild this week--->> Well, let's just start this email with a bang! Our friend Osman was progressing really well until... we found out he wasn't actually married and he wasn't planning on it because him and his amiga don't have the best relationship, but they live together because they have 2 kids. Anyways, we took him off date and tried focusing our lessons on eternal families and temples. Well... the next day he called us telling us his "wife" was crazy and he needed help, but we couldn't really do anything except pray for him and he wasn't too happy about that. Sooo, the next day is Sunday and we felt weird about asking him to come to church and so we just asked how he was doing. Well,l he replied really bad thanks to us... 45 minutes into church during our first speaker Osman pulls up and walks to the front and starts yelling that the church isn't true and that his wife had gone to jail. 🫥 (Me sitting next to our friend Maria, who came for the first time) and then all of a sudden like 10 men stood up and peacefully took him off the stage. POWER IN THE PRIESTHOOD!! The whole time he was yelling I was praying that the spirit would cover the ears of our friends and protect them. After church, they said they all still loved it! Anyways, that was a little crazy! Does it count as a church attendance?? 🥴 Please pray for Osman and his family! He is a good guy just going through a hard situation!! Well, to move on from that here is a little milagro... it was raining all of Thursday and we were out finding and when we came to a neighborhood. I prayed specifically that a lady named Maria was waiting for us! The likelihood of this happening was pretty high and just as you would expect the only lady who opened the door and let us in was named Maria! God is good! Jaja To be honest though, it has been a little tricky for me recently! I love this work so much, but the Spanish just has not come easy and I get so frustrated. There is so much I want to say but literally just can't say it. But then I remember who the real teacher is... THE SPIRIT! I wasn't called to be fluent... I WAS CALLED TO PREACH THE GOSPEL!! I know there is a reason I was called to Spanish speaking and I know God trusts me... This week, I am working on trusting him! I love Spanish and the kind, humble, Christ-loving people! I really would not want to be anywhere else!! This week I read a book called "Believing Christ" (I forgot who wrote it)... but it's so good!! I loved how it talked about that there is a difference between believing IN Christ and believing Him! We need to believe that when we enter into a covenant relationship with him that he can truly heal us, forgive us, and strengthen us! Although we cannot be perfect on earth... we can be perfected through Christ! What a beautiful blessing!! I am forever grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ that gives me the opportunity to live with my Father in Heaven again one day!! We can all live with him again! We need to believe Jesus Christ!! Article of Faith 1:3 "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel." I invite you this week to study the Atonement of Jesus Christ! I promise that your relationship with him will grow 💕 I love you all!! Have a wonderful week!! Xoxoxo Hermana Liston
Elder Cameron Nielsen, Spain Madrid North
Jan 13, 2025
One might say that miracles still happen. I personally would definitely say miracles still happen. If anyone tries to tell me otherwise, I'll tell you that you ain't lookin hard enough! Because miracle are real and they super chill! And let me tell you about a few of these fellas: Iris was able to get baptized! After a 20+ year wait she was finally able to make this everlasting covenant with God! We had some worries coming up to this week, as she has been having some crazy medical problems. Nevertheless she was at church on Sunday and ready for the baptism to happen 😁. Long story short, she got baptized 😎 and I didn't almost flood the capilla 😅. Every week we set goals for the amount of: new people will we begin teaching, lessons taught with the help of members, friends in church, and a few more. Recently Gardner and I have been have a ton of problems getting amigos to church. After planning our week and setting these goals (which is a surprisingly long process), Gardner told me we should nearly double our goal for new amigos found and member lessons to 10 in each category (which is a lot). At the end of the week (with the help of milagros 🤭) we completed both of those goals! On top of that we had 7 friends come to church! Many of those 7 were found this week thanks to our increased goals. One of the lit miracles we saw to help us complete our goals included our new friend Charol. One day we were out relatively late doing street contacts. We live outside of our working area and we had just finished teaching a lesson in the center of Pamplona (which is part of our area). As such, we decided to do contacts in the streets even though it was already 9pm before we had to make the 30min bus ride back home. We contacted a very large family from Ecuador and spent like 10 minutes walking with them trying to teach them. Final they weren't interested so we decided to begin heading to the bus stop, but instead of going to the close one we went to the bus stop that was further away. I then proceeded to start contacting everything I saw move. And finally, we met her, Charol from Peru. A single mother who lives here in Pamplona. Her brother is a member in Madrid so we talked to her about that and ended up setting up a cita in her house the next day. Needless to say, she lit, and she has children who are all 20 or older. So we finna try to meet those fellas. On Sunday we went to the Gilberts house for dinner. Afterwards we spent some time doing phone contacts and helping translate Spanish for Elder Gilbert. However, after a while we decided to travel home. As we were leaving, Gardner asked me if we should see if the Gilberts could drive us home to help us avoid the 30+ minutes travel home. To with I responded: "I believe in miracles". I truthfully wasn't sure if a miracle would happen... and I just felt awkward asking the Gilberts for a ride. Nevertheless, a miracle came in the form of an inactive Venezuelan named Maybe. Her husband ain't baptized and she wants to come back to church. We had set up a cita for Tuesday (tomorrow). However as we made the walk home we saw her and her husband! We ended up teaching husband in the streets and Maybe shared and incredible testimony about the power of the Book of Mormon! This was awesome because not only was it the last find we needed, but also the last member lesson. We then proceeded to walk home because I had forgotten the bus card 😁 In conclusion, miracles happen! Even if you are joking around! By showing faith and putting in work, God is able to place the blessings we need in our lives! In the wise words of a good friend, God gives us "custom made challenges and custom made blessings!" God knows you, He knows what you can become. We experience trials in our lives to help us grow. And we can trust in God that he will bless us in our challenges. An incredible scripture goes hand in hand with this exact topic, and yes, mother this is the scripture I was telling you about: John 9: 1-3. "1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." Through our challenges we will see the works of God manifested in our lives. He is our loving Father and He will never leave us solo. Welp, that's all for this week folks. Write me an email or send me a voice memo... idk... whatever would be chill with him. Also here is my album if you want to see all the silly random things I do everyday of my life: Bappy 🥰 Elder Nielsen
Elder Jordan Reese, Texas Fort Worth
Dec 25, 2024
"Christ The Babe Was Born For You"✨️ Merry Christmas, everyone!! It has been a long couple months since I have written an email! But don't be scared!! I'm still alive! And everything is doing good out here in Texas! So here is what has been going on with me that yall might want to know: • I am blue wash training which means that I am training a new missionary in an area that I am brand new and have no idea who the people are or who the members are. Or anything for that matter of fact! It was kinda stressful at first but now I know the way around everywhere and we are teaching some cool people. And the members are AMAZING! I am currently serving in the south part of Arlington, TX. My comp is from Cascade, Idaho but he was born in Canada! 🇨🇦 He really cool! • We are teaching a lady named Karla. She is so nice and so prepared! She just struggles to come to church because she is a manager at Dunkin Donuts. But sometimes we go their to study and she gives us free food! 🍳🥓🍩 • Spiritual Thought: I love this time of year, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ was born for each and everyone of us, individually. He was born so that we can make wrongs, right. He was born to bring light into a dark world. He was born so that we can have the chance to return to our Heavenly Father. Christ the babe, was born for you! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! I love and miss you all. Yours truly, Elder Jordan Reese